Want to Volunteer?

Morning Positions
Afternoon Positions
Saturday Positions

Volunteers make produce bags to be included in the boxes given to clients.
We pick up donations from grocery stores daily.
Volunteers take carts of food to the waiting clients.
We receive food from farmer's markets on Saturday mornings.

Volunteers interview clients to determine their household size and any special needs.

Hosting a Food Drive is a great way to help us provide food to our clients.

How to Help
At ALF Food Pantry, we are dedicated to serving individuals and families with limited income by providing them with nutritious food options. We are a 100% volunteer organization and are always looking for new people to help. Please email us to set up training. contact@alffoodpantry.org
Opportunities to help
ALF is open Monday - Friday for food distribution but we also need drivers on Saturdays.
ALF drivers
Our drivers begin each day with pickups of donated food from local stores and deliver the food to the pantry. Depending on how busy the morning crew is, the drivers will frequently help shelve and refrigerate the items they pick up.Morning Team Duties
Our morning teams orchestrate an incredible process, including stocking shelves, sorting and bagging produce, boxing the groceries and exchanging information with the afternoon teams as well as the next day's morning team. Mornings can be quite busy dealing with deliveries from the SLO Food Bank and groceries while making boxes to be distributed in the afternoon. All the incoming food has to be processed and shelved or refrigerated.Afternoon Team Duties
Each client is greeted by a file review volunteer. The file reviewer takes the client into an office where they use a laptop to search for the client's record. The volunteer checks that the client's information is correct in our system. They note the number of adults and children in the household along with the client's name on an order form. They take the form to the food distributors to fill. The clients then return outside to wait for their order to be processed. The food distributors fill a large cart with the appropriate amount of food based on family size, adding meat and dairy products to the shelf stable items. The volunteer then takes the cart out to the waiting client.Saturday gleaners receive food from farmers' markets. SLO Food Pantry gleaners bring the produce to the pantry where ALF volunteers sort through it and store it in the refrigerators.
Our pantry staff reviews our supplies and purchases more when needed.
In the background, the Board Members are the backbone of the administration of ALF Food Pantry.
Host a canned food drive
Food drives are a great way to provide nutritious food to our ALF food pantry. They also help raise awareness about food insecurity and build a stronger community.
Do you belong to an organization that would support having a canned food drive?
Do you have children involved in sports that could host a food drive?
Ask if you can collect canned food at your place of work.

Our volunteers bring food out to the clients.
Atascadero HS FFA students donated over 210 pounds of food from their food drive!

Our location
5411 El Camino Real
Atascadero, CA 93422
Monday - Friday 1 pm - 3 pm
Contact Us
ALF Food Pantry
5411 El Camino Real
Atascadero, CA 93422
© 2024. All rights reserved.